如何修持內外功如何修持內外功How to Cultivate Internal Virtues and External Merits壹、  前言I. Introduction談到「學道」、「修行」,很多人都存有一份神秘感,認為 此事不同凡響,是擺脫生活常態的一種特殊行為。其實「學 道」只不過是要讓我們了解自己生命的意義,人生的價值, 培養正確的人生觀、價值觀及生活態度而已;而「修行」則 是在修正自己的觀念與行為。因為,我們的觀念若是有所偏 頗,則在面對人生百態時,往往是煩惱不斷。若行為有所偏 差,則會製造罪惡,貽害人間,良心那會安呢?所以學道、 修行不僅能讓我們活得坦坦蕩蕩心安理得,更能讓我們過著 瀟灑自在、安祥喜悅的生活。簡而言之,學道、修行就是由 「自我了解」開始,經不斷的自我成長、變化氣質、突破難 關,以至於創造永恒慧命的一種歷程。由學道、修行乃至成 道的內函,具體的說,除了需要「學道」以外,就是需要 「修道」與「辦道」,也就是內外功的修持。Learning & cultivating Dao make people feel mysterious & extraordinary in some way, that free people from a normal life style. As a matter of fact, learning Dao mainly helps us understand the true meanings & values of our lives & develop positive attitude toward our lives; however, cultivation represents a mirror, which helps us reform our inner thoughts and actions. We are usually swamped by our bad thoughts while facing with ups & downs in life. How can we settle down our conscience if we are against rightness and have impact on the society indirectly? By learning and cultivating Dao, we can lead a bighearted, carefree & joyful life. Briefly, learning and cultivating Dao is a wisdom path that begin with self-understanding-we conquer adversity and elevate our temperament with constant awakening. To be a real Buddha, we are supposed to improve our learning by way of propagating and cultivating Dao, which is called” Cultivate internal virtues and external virtues”貳、  何謂「內功」與「外功」II. What are ” Cultivate internal virtues and external merits”? 一、內功:即是修道,就是內心與行為修持的功夫。舉凡 去私慾、存天理、改毛病去脾氣、修煉三寶心法、轉十惡 為十善等等都是。所謂「十惡」,即是心有三惡(貪、嗔、 痴),口有四惡(妄言、惡口、綺語、兩舌),身有三惡(偷 盜、殺生、邪淫)。吾人修道就是正知正見的實踐,避免造 惡因,自不用受苦;生活合乎道,人生自然幸福;啟發良 知良能,終能恢復本來面目。1. Internal virtues:Internal virtues means cultivate Dao. It is a process to cultivate our minds. We refine bad temper and remove bad habits as well as selfish desires; furthermore, we polish the heart dharma of the Three Treasures and convert ten wickedness to ten perfections in order to reach heavenly truth. Ten wickedness can be divided as follows:A. Three wickedness of heart: greed, anger and stubborn/foolishness.B. Four wickedness of utterance: lie, gossip, abusive language (talks), and double-tongue.C. Three wickedness of body: kill, steal and be lecherous/adultery.We cultivators should practice with true understanding and insight, so that we are able to keep from evil causes and sufferings. Our lives will be happy naturally if we behave on the basis of Dao, similarly (equally), we will recover our true nature if our conscience is inspired. 二、外功:即是辦道,就是利益眾生的言行或活動。舉凡 修橋鋪路、賑災濟急、助印善書、佛堂幫辦、渡化親友、 開荒闡道等都是外功。而外功可分為三類:財施、法施、 無畏施。「財施」是以財物幫助眾生,或資助「道務活 動」,當以量力而為為宜;「法施」是以語言文字鼓勵成 全眾生,啟發眾生的智慧,引導其修道辦道,功德最不可 思議;「無畏施」是以親身的參與使眾生免於恐懼,幫辦 道務活動、以利他人學道修道。然而布施出去的恩惠能不 惦記在心裡,就叫做「無為布施」,此為行功立德最高超 的理念。2. External merits:Propagate Dao. We devote ourselves to activities or performances that benefit the public, such as contributing efforts and money to those who are in need, publishing holy books, bringing friends or family to receive Dao or joining Temples affairs, etc. External merits can be parted into three sorts: Financial contribution, Truth sharing and voluntary contribution. Financial contribution is offered to serve people and assist Dao affairs/activities, and it is better depending on respective financial ability. Truth sharing is to share our understanding of Dao with our friends, relatives and colleagues at any time and any where, and we also give Truth sharing to inspire people’s wisdom guiding them to propagate Dao. Voluntary contribution means to be a volunteer and get close to people around us in person to take care of them and release them from fear for life, so that they cultivate Dao and inspire others. The assistance we give should not be clouding our minds. We practice sincerely without attachment, and this is the ultimate purpose to accumulate virtues and merits.參、  如何從學道進而修持內外功?III. Internal virtues and external merits by learning Dao 一、參加研究班:道場為了幫助初學者,設立了一系列的講座。1. Attend Dao study classes:The Dao cultivation society provides a series of classes for beginners. 二、研讀道書:求道之後應多研讀道書,以增廣見聞開啟 智慧;了解往聖先賢修道歷程,以作為己身修行之參考。建 議您─可依序研讀下列書籍:古今成道者傳記、論述、各教 經典及仙佛聖訓、皇母訓子十謙、性理釋疑……。 2. Study Dao scriptures:After we receive Dao, we should study Dao scriptures to enrich our knowledge, inspire our wisdom and familiarize us with the cultivation process of the past saints and sages, that can be referred to as we personally cultivate oneself. Some suggested readings: the biographies of cultivators who have achieve Buddhahood, discussions of the scriptures, Holy Revelations or oracles, Ten Admonitory Sermons of Huang-Mu (Heavenly Mater), and Answers to the True-Nature and the Principles, and so on.三、常回佛堂:佛堂是學道的好場所,常回佛堂在無形中 接受仙佛慈光普照, 能淨化心靈、淡化煩惱業障、學習佛 規禮節,更能向道中前賢學其所長。3. Visit the Temple frequently: Temples are great places for us to learn Dao; resorting to the Temples can immerse us in Buddha’s halo/light and help us to purify our hearts and souls, free us from worries and bad karma, grant us opportunities to learn etiquette rules and manners and the chance to learn from the Dao seniors.四、參加聯誼活動:佛堂偶爾會舉辦一些聯誼活動,諸 如:成長營、登山、郊遊、露營、聚餐、茶敘、晚會等 等,以增進彼此的情誼,分享學道的心得。4. Join Dao activities:Temples may hold different activities- camps, hiking, mountain climbing, excursions, outings, picnics, parties, tea parties, reunions, etc. By joining these activities, we exchange cultivation experiences, maintain our bonds with the Dao members and strengthen our faith in Dao.五、安排自己的修行功課: 師尊云「知而不行,道非我 有。」我們若不把所學的道理試著去實踐──把道落實在 生活中,那將難以體會修行之樂趣,而糟蹋了殊勝的求道 機緣。因此我們應依自己生活情況,安排適當的修行功 課。修行功課可概分必修與選修二門,今略述如下: 5. Arrange assignment /plan for self-cultivation:Our Holy Teachers once said,” Knowing without acting, one can not claim to be a cultivator.” Without putting into practice what we learn from Dao, we cannot feel the real joy of cultivation. It would be a great pity for us to receive the great Truth and not cultivate it. Therefore, we should make a plan for self-cultivation. The plans include required and selective courses, which will be start in the following:(一) 必修:所謂「必修」,就是每一位有心學道之 士,都應修持的課題。1. Required courses: As mentioned above, these are courses every cultivator needs to do in his or her daily life.1‧反省與懺悔: 談到修行,如不反省,則不知過錯之所在,將無從 修起。若反省之後未能懺悔,則不易產生改過之決 心,故反省與懺悔是一體的。其方法步驟如左:A. Self-evaluation and repentance. Cultivation requires self-evaluation and constant repentance. The former points out the faults and errors we make, and the later arouses our determination to rectify and make a change. They are both side of a coin indispensable to our cultivation.(1) 於睡前,平心靜氣,手抱合同,或跪或坐或臥在床上。(a) Before sleeping, calmly hold the Holy Hand Sign in front of your chest. You can be either kneeling or lying on a bed.(2) 心中觀想自己最崇敬之仙佛慈容。 (b) Picture the most respectable Buddha in your mind.(3) 向仙佛禱告:「弟子某某願誠心反省懺悔, 叩求○○仙佛慈悲、佛力加持。」(c) Say a prayer to the Buddha, “My name is _____. I am now sincerely reflecting on my errors and repenting. Buddha, please bless me with guidance and protection.”(4) 反省: 一天當中,待人處事有否合乎中道?有 無佔人便宜?有否言語傷人、談人是非?有無貪心妄 想‥‥等等。(d) Reflect on the wrongdoing committed that day. Ask yourself, ”Were all my action acceptable? Was I taking advantage of others? Was I righteous in my words, my thoughts and my actions? Was I greedy or selfish?”(5) 懺悔——向仙佛禱告:「我這些罪、過、 錯,都由貪、嗔、痴所起,叩請○○仙佛慈悲,佛力 加被,以後絕不再犯。」若依此而行,日久功純,即 使在平常之時,妄心稍起,便能自覺而降伏了。另外 可於月終或年終,在佛堂以正式的禮節焚表懺悔。 (e) Repent. Pray to the Buddha,” Due to my greediness, anger and stubborn/foolishness, I have made such sins, misconducts, and mistakes. But now, I am begging your forgiveness and please forgive me for I will try not to do that again.”2‧依戒而行:B. Discipline and propriety.孟子云:「不以規矩不能成方圓。」所以應學習道 中基本佛規禮節,與各教聖人之規戒,如佛之五 戒,以作為修持的依據。而對於初學者,今介紹一 簡便原則供您參考。Mencius, a Chinese saint, once said,” It is the rules and compasses that make a perfect square and circle (that shape our thoughts and actions into perfection).” In the Temple, there are etiquette rules and manners originated by the saints and sages. They serve as guidelines for our personal cultivation. If you are a Dao junior, here is a simple principle:「不可告人之事─絕對不做」“Never do things that make you feel too embarrassed to tell others.”「不可做之事情─斷然不想」 “Never ever think of things that you should not do.”如果我們覺得做了這件事會不安、會不好意思,那 就不要去做,乃至連想都不該想。否則,或許沒有 人會定我們的罪,但自己的心靈將受到污染,在修 行路上將造成極大的障礙。When we feel uneasy and ashamed of doing something, we should stop immediately and never think about it. Otherwise, although we may not be punished, our conscience will be polluted (spotted); it is a strong setback in our personal cultivation. (二) 選修:可依個人的時間與興趣酌予安排2. Selective courses. The selective courses vary with our individual interest and time arrangement.1‧讀書:每日研讀書訓半個小時或一個小時。(a) Read Dao scriptures or Holy revelations half an hour to one hour per day.2‧誦經:可每日定時誦讀經典,經文短者每次可誦 讀多遍。誦經之要領,須以虔誠的心情、專注的態 度、清晰的語音誦讀,而不要分心思考經意。誦讀所 用的經典,可以自行選定。(b) Chant sutras. You can set aside (spare) a period of time to chant sutras every day. For shorter sutra, read them over several times. The key to chanting is that one should be sincere and attentive. Enunciation and concentration are both important. Several sutras are suggested: Da-Xue (The Book of Great Learning), Zhong-Yong (The Doctrine of the Means), Heart Sutra, Ching Jing Jing (The Sutra of Tranquility), Mi-Le-Zhen-Jing (The Sutra of Maitreya Buddha), Tao-Yuan-Ming-Sheng-Jing (The Sutra of Law/discipline Buddha), Diamond Sutra, Di-Zang Bodhisattva’s Great Vow Sutra, Da-Bei-Zhou(The Mantra of Great Mercy), etc.3‧叩頭:常回佛堂誠心敬意叩頭禮拜聖神仙佛,數 十叩首乃至數百叩首,瞻仰禮拜之際,敬慕之念油然 而生,自會平息妄想淨化心靈。並漸除妄自尊大之習 性,而培養謙恭之美德。(c) Kou shou, or bowing with the Holy Hand Sign: To worship God, all the saints and Buddha’s by bowing with our Holy Hand Sign, after tens or hundreds of times, modesty and respect will automatically arise from the bottom of our hearts. We do this to rest our deviant thoughts, keep from arrogance, and nurture the great virtues of modesty.4.‧放鬆:於睡前,自然放鬆,端身靜坐十分鐘,心 中默念口訣或般若心經,使心無雜念。(e) Relax. Before sleeping, relax naturally. Keep calm for ten minutes and silently chant the Holy Password or the Heart Sutra in our mind.5‧唱善歌:善歌歌詞乃仙佛所慈開示之聖訓,常唱 善歌可體會仙佛心聲及怡情養性,並能感召善神雲 集,使我們居住的地方更祥和。(f) Sing the holy songs. The holy songs created by the saints and Buddha’s can inspire our wisdom. They can create a soothing and pleasant atmosphere wherever we go. So, singing those benefits us a lot.六、行功立德:古人云:「人間無不忠孝聖,天上無無功 德神。」有大功德者,冤業可消,災難可避,道果必精 進。因些,除實踐修行功課以培「內德」外,更應廣行方 便濟世利人以積「外功」。茲介紹簡便行功之法以供參 考。6. Accumulate merits and cultivate virtues A Chinese proverb says,” The worldly saints must be loyal and responsible for parents, and the heavenly saints must have merits and virtues.” In order to cleanse ourselves of bad karma, to avoid disasters, and to advance our cultivation, internally we must cultivate virtues; externally, we must be altruistic and accumulate merits. Below are some suggestions:(一)  佛堂幫辦:佛堂是眾生學道的重要場所,需眾 多人力加以護持。只要個人時間許可,可以自動幫辦佛 堂庶務,例如:環境整理、佛燈具擦拭、招待與炊事、 文書整理、交通指揮、人員接送‥‥等,都是直接參與 弘法利生的聖業,功德無量。1. Assist Dao affairs:Temples are important places for Dao members to learn, so every one needs to help sustain them. We can help in a variety of ways-clean the Temple, mop the floor, shine the Holy Lamps, or dust the shrine. You can also manage the stationery, direct the traffic before and after class time, or give Dao members a ride. These are direct help to holy affairs and by doing so; you are building up countless merits.(二)  渡化親友:俗云:「救人一命勝造七層寶 塔」,而今日我們渡人來求道,不只救他的肉體而已, 更能救他的靈性脫出苦海免去輪迴之劫,甚至連其祖先 都可沾光,故渡人功德之大是不可思議的。因此,當您 感受到「求道的好處」時,請別忘了渡化親朋好友求 道,讓他們也分享得三寶的喜悅。2. Bring people to receive Dao:According to the proverb, “Saving a person’s life is better than building a seven–floor treasure to Heaven”. So when we introduce a person to receive Dao, we not only save his physical life, but we also save his spiritual life from suffering. He/She will escape from the cycle of reincarnation; their ancestors can benefit from the cultivation of the offspring. Such a merit is insurmountable. Now that you understand the preciousness of receiving Dao, do not hesitate to bring in your family, relatives and friends to receive Dao. They can all share the joy of receiving Dao.(三)  助印善書:助印善書有益於正法之流通、道義 之宣揚,可以啟發人智,導正社會風氣,實在是功德匪 淺。3. Help circulate the Dao scriptures.The circulation of the Dao scriptures can help the propagation of Dao. People will be inspired and willing to rectify their wrongdoings. A sound society is the result. Such a merit is also tremendous.(四)  救急救難:修道之人除了幫辦佛事之外,更當 常懷慈悲心,關心社會,救急救難,道場亦興辦慈善事 業如:老人院、育幼院‥‥‥。4. Do charity works.All Dao cultivators help accomplish holy affairs. Additionally, we foster mercy and compassion in our community. In our Dao cultivation field, social welfare services are emphasized; for example, the Ren-Ai Home for the homeless, the Xin-Yi Orphanage, etc. 肆、  結語IV. Conclusion有一位學者說:「燕子去了有再來的時候,楊柳枯了有再青 的時候,可是聰明的你,告訴我,我們的時間為什麼一去不 復回呢?」生命是一則不可逆方程式,隨時間的消逝永不再 回頭。所以,朋友!當你為著事業前途奔忙之際,請別忘了 也為自己的靈性多用點心,好好學道、修道、辦道,以成就 自己、利益眾生。不要到了將與人間說再見時,才發覺自己 .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! .
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